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Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology - 1505 a.y. 2022/2023

Course Type Single cycle Master’s degree

Academic year 2022/2023

Membership structure

This Single Cycle Master’s degree programme is single-cycle (five-year duration) and, for the academic year 2022/2023, is open access, but will be limited to 150 freshmen (see the matriculation section).

This Master’s degree provides the cultural, theoretical and applicative foundation for a professional figure capable of managing the multidisciplinary process which starts from the design and leads to the production, formulation and control of drug and health products.

The graduate also acquires the necessary training for the professions of pharmacist and chemist.

The study plan provides for the acquisition of transversal skills in numerous disciplinary sectors: chemical-pharmaceutical disciplines, biochemical-pharmacological disciplines, pharmaceutical technological disciplines. Training is completed in the fifth year with the preparation of the thesis and the compulsory professional internship, to be carried out at a pharmacy for a period of not less than 6 months / 900 hours; this then allows access to the examination to qualify as a Pharmacist.

Courses start on October 3, 2022

Employment and professional opportunities

Employment and professional opportunities

The single-cycle Master’s degree in PCT enables opportunities in the following roles:

  • Chemists and similar professions
  • Pharmacists
  • Researchers and technicians in chemical and pharmaceutical companies
  • Manufacturing specialists

Last modified 23 November 2023