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Coordinators and tutors a.y. 2022/2023

Degree course Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology - 1505 a.y. 2022/2023

Course chair: prof. Jean Daniel Coisson 

Tutors: Roberta ARCIDIACONO, Marco ARLORIO, Mariagrazia GRILLI, Monica LOCATELLI, Luigi PANZA, Franco PATTARINO, Armando GENAZZANI, Gian Cesare TRON, Franca ROSSI, Chiara PORTA, Tracey PIRALI, Alberto MASSAROTTI, Lorella GIOVANNELLI, Carla DISTASI, Jean Daniel COISSON, Silvio APRILE, Elia BARI, Matteo BORDIGA, Davide Maria FERRARIS 

The tutors, assigned to each student, are responsible for:

  • Providing useful study information and advice
  • Providing solutions to remedy gaps in learning and basic knowledge
  • Promoting understanding of students in creating a general study plan
  • Highlighting the tools necessary for creating a study plan, and identifying a suitable approach to study and exams
  • Assisting students in the choice of topic and supervisor for the thesis
  • Supplying guidance in identifying possible careers and employment opportunities

Last modified 30 September 2022