IRIS (Institutional Research Information System) is the catalogue for management of UPO research results. IRIS collects the bibliographic metadata and, where possible, full texts of published works by teachers and researchers in our University: articles in journals, chapters in books, patents, curatorship projects, monographs, conference minutes, PhD theses and much more. IRIS is thus the "showcase" of UPO research results.
IRIS is also a public portal that renders all these documents available on search engines.
On IRIS, each author can find his/her publishing record and independently upload his/her own works in this area that guarantees the transfer of data to the ministerial LOGIN-MIUR page, its storage and updating of formats.
Researchers are reminded to key in their ORCID ID details to their own profile and their WOS, SCOPUS researcher ID details, and to synchronise them, in order to allow the correct recognition by IRIS of items in the databank to track down publications and bibliometric data linked to these, which are fundamental for ministerial evaluations of research.
In order to be of use for statistics, monitoring, career progress and for the VQR 2015-2019, it is vital that the catalogue be constantly updated with the metadata of each new publication and, where possible, attach the published work itself, in the best possible version allowed by the publisher.
To upload papers in Iris, find a helpful "soundbite", in the attachment.
The Iris representative of the Department, for information and assistance, is Rosa Romeo
For other information about IRIS, see the Research section of the University website.
Orcid HUB
- Documento PDF - 502.82 KB
Sincronizzazione IRIS
- Documento PDF - 652.83 KB
IRIS - Tipologia licenza
- Documento PDF - 476.18 KB
IRIS - Tipologia file
- Documento PDF - 751.37 KB
IRIS - Pubblicazione in formato aperto
- Documento PDF - 432.39 KB