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Coordinators and tutors a.y. 2022/2023

Degree course Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology - 1505 a.y. 2022/2023

Course Chair: prof. Giovanni Battista Giovenzana

Tutors: Maurizio RINALDI, Pier Luigi CANONICO, Fabiano TRAVAGLIA, Antonio SICA, Lorena SEGALE, Laura MORO, Silvia MOREL, Alberto MINASSI, Salvatore TERRAZZINO, Giovanni Battista GIOVENZANA, Ubaldina GALLI, Letizia FRACCHIA, Erika DEL GROSSO, Fabrizio CONDORELLI, Michela BOSETTI

The tutors, assigned to each student, perform the following roles:

  • Supply information and advice on studies
  • Assist in remedying gaps in knowledge and basic skills
  • Promote awareness in students for drafting of a general study plan
  • Promotion of tools necessary to draft a study plan, identify a suitable study method and tackle study/exams
  • Assist students in choosing subjects and a thesis supervisor
  • Supply careers guidance

Last modified 1 September 2022