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Signal Transduction Pharmacology

Team Leader

Activity and fields of competence

The research activity of this group is focused on various aspects related to the drug. Briefly, the main research lines are:

  1. Intracellular calcium release mechanisms
  2. Role of astrocytes in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease
  3. Characterisation of new anti-tumour therapeutic targets, including enzymes involved in metabolism
  4. Characterisation of new chemical compounds synthesised to find hit compounds
  5. Characterisation of the mechanisms by which peripheral neuropathy from chemotherapy is manifested
  6. Pharmacogenetics
  7. Pharmacoepidemiology
  8. Meta-analysis and systemic reviews of the literature on genetic polymorphisms related to drug action

ERC Sector

LS3, LS5, LS7

Team Members

  • TERRAZZINO Salvatore
  • CARGNIN Sarah, DSF, scholarship researcher 
  • GROLLA Ambra, DSF, post-doc scholarship researcher 
  • TRAVELLI Cristina, DSF, post-doc scholarship/grant researcher FIRC
  • ZANINETTI Roberta, DSF, post-doc scholarship researcher 
  • DOMINICI Maria Chiara, DSF, scholarship researcher 
  • TORRETTA Simone
  • RIVA Beatrice, DSF, post-doc student

Last modified 18 July 2022