Regional Funding
The Piedmont Regional Authority is one of the leading supporters of UPO research activity. Today the main projects are based on the Regional Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (POR-FESR), which aims to increase investment in research and development.
Other funding is provided through the Rural Development Programme (PSR) and the Regional Implementation Program for Development and Cohesion Fund (PAR-FSC). Here are the DSF projects they fund:
- PSR -FEASR 2014-2020 SALUMI LIBERI - Minimum use of nitrites and nitrates in delicatessen products (Project leader Prof. Marco Arlorio)
durata del progetto: 1-12-2020 al 30-11-2023
Call INTERREG Italia - Svizzera 2014-2020. These are the DSF projects that are funded:
- Advanced Therapies EXperiences – ATEX (Project leader Prof. Lorena Segale)
- Collaboration between research institutes, small and medium -size companies, and hospitals, for the development of new anti-leukaemia therapies based on antibodies and nanoparticles – LEUCITI (Project leader Prof. Luigi Panza)
Projects funded by the Lombardy Regional Authority:
- “Biological bases, prognostic consequences and therapeutic implications of the immune response in the fragile COVID19 patients - BioTher19”, Bando Fondazione Umberto Veronesi - Fondazione Cariplo, Project leader Prof. Antonio Sica
- “Sars-cov-2 infection in inflammatory bowel disease. Clinical and molecular analysis of risk factors for worse outcomes in this frail population”, Bando Fondazione Umberto Veronesi - Fondazione Cariplo, Project leader Dott. Chiara Porta
- Documento PDF - 432.68 KB
Sviluppo di nuove terapie anti leucemia basate su anticorpi e nanoparticelle – LEUCITI
- Documento PDF - 198.37 KB
Last modified 19 July 2022