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n) Exams state

There are no state exams for this course.

Degree course Environmental Management and Sustainable Development - GASS - a.y. 24/25

n) Exams state

There are no state exams for this course.

Degree course Environmental Management and Sustainable Development - GASS - a.y. 23/24

l) Final exam and graduating

See information on the procedure for obtaining a Bachelor's degree.

Degree course Environmental Management and Sustainable Development - GASS - a.y. 24/25

l) Final exam and graduating

See information on the procedure for obtaining a Bachelor's degree.

Degree course Environmental Management and Sustainable Development - GASS - a.y. 23/24

i) Work Placements and Internships (for companies)

Why host a trainee/intern? A work placement or internship is useful not only for the student, who can experience the world of the workplace and put acquired skills into practice...

Degree course Environmental Management and Sustainable Development - GASS - a.y. 24/25