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l) Graduating

The final exam consists of the drafting and discussion of a monographic essay, an annotated bibliography, or a text translation with introduction and commentary. The work will be...

Degree course Modern Foreign Languages - a. y. 24/25

l) Graduating

The final exam consists of the drafting and discussion of a monographic essay, an annotated bibliography, or a text translation with introduction and commentary. The work will be...

Degree course Modern foreign languages - academic year 23/24

i) Internships and Job Placements (companies-organisations)

Why host an intern/trainee? The internship is a useful tool not only for students and graduates who have the opportunity to come into contact with the world of work, putting the...

Degree course Modern foreign languages - academic year 23/24

h) Internships and Job Placements (students)

The traineeship represents an essential training experience in the university course, aimed at acquiring practical skills through activities carried out at facilities inside or...

Degree course Modern Foreign Languages - a. y. 24/25

h) Internships and Job Placements (students)

Organiser: Laura Tommaso Our Department promotes and manages access to curricular (education-based) internships and work-oriented experiences (job placements and post-graduation)...

Degree course Modern foreign languages - academic year 23/24

g) Study Abroad

Organiser: Prof.ssa Miriam Ravetto You can enrich your academic career with an international experience. You can obtain a dual degree, spending the last year of the Bachelor’s...

Degree course Modern Foreign Languages - a. y. 24/25

g) Study Abroad

Organiser: Prof.ssa Miriam Ravetto You can enrich your academic career with an international experience. You can obtain a dual degree, spending the last year of the Bachelor’s...

Degree course Modern foreign languages - academic year 23/24

f) Careers guidance and job placements

Careers guidance To help you better understand the world of university and identify the areas in which you can best develop your potential, we offer various activities that help...

Degree course Modern Foreign Languages - a. y. 24/25