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Support for Study

There are various ways in which the University and the Organisation for the Right to University Education (E.Di.SU) support the right to study, through the provision of financial support and other aid. They are as follows:

  • Scholarships: it is a right enshrined in our Constitution to allow capable and deserving people, even if they do not have sufficient economic means, to be able to pursue higher studies, through the provision of scholarships. Find out from the useful links if you are entitled and what to do next
  • Awards: if you have distinguished yourself in your university career with excellent results, you can receive a final award, the amount of which is established annually.
  • Loans: to find out if you can obtain a loan from the "Fund for study - Credit for young people", promoted by the government for deserving young people with economic difficulties, click on the dedicated link
  • Residences and restaurants: Are you looking for a home? Affordable bars or canteens? The University has signed conventions and agreements for  rental of apartments at favourable conditions for students, and restaurant and canteen services in commercial establishments at advantageous prices. Check the link.
  • Services for disabled students: if you have a disability, the University and the Department are equipped to welcome you. There are also exemptions and concessions provided by E.Di.SU. Other useful information can be found at the dedicated link.
  • Equal opportunities and guarantee: the University has set up the Unique Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunities, the Enhancement of Wellbeing of those who work and against Discrimination (CUG). If you feel you are being harassed or discriminated against, do not hesitate to contact the CUG.
  • Counselling: It can happen to anyone, especially at the beginning of your university career, to go through a period of crisis or discomfort. The University offers you qualified psychological support through the counselling service

Last modified 19 July 2022